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The Third Reich privately (DVD)

Product no.: Pollar Film-049

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The Third Reich privately (DVD)

Looking back, and at first glance, the Third Reich has beaten out of one piece, uniformed and brought into line. But anyone who takes the time to look more closely realizes that this impression is deceptive. Behind the uniform facade exist niches and spaces in which took place the day in all its diversity. One day, of which we know little, if there were not the private twisted narrow films that preserve genuine and beyond the propaganda that "private Third Reich" today.

They show a small fortune and the private passions, but. Well the pain and worry that outrage over injustices and crimes Unlike documentaries that try to explain in retrospect Nazism, they are part of the action. Never intended for publication, propaganda plays a role in them as little as what today is considered to be "politically correct."

Running time: 65 minutes
Image: 4: 3
Sound: Dolby Digital Stereo
Languages: German
Subtitle: none
Regional Code: PAL 0
EAN-Code: 4028032071139
Rated: from 16 years

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